
Archive for the ‘fabulous women’ Category

Secretary Clinton Launches No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project

In Chelsea Clinton Unleashed, CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE, Clinton Legacy, Draft Hillary, fabulous women, Global News, HILLARY 2016, HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT, No Ceilings on November 6, 2013 at 9:27 pm


Since making the Foundation my new home this spring, I have met so many new people solving problems and driving change in people’s lives. And while I’ve gotten to know and learn from many of you, I am delighted to write to all of you for the first time.

Whether you’re a longtime supporter of the Foundation or a new partner, I am looking forward to working together to help more people in more places live up to their God-given potential.

On Friday, we announced a new initiative to accelerate the progress of women and girls at home and around the world. We call it No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project, and I hope you’ll be a part of it.

No Ceilings has its roots nearly twenty years ago, and we hope it will have an impact just as far into the future.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Join Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton for Millennium Network San Francisco November 9

Millennium Network San Francisco
Saturday, November 9, 2013
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
San Francisco

If you have any questions, please e-mail or call 646-775-9179.

If you are unable to attend, but would still like to make a donation to support the life-changing work of the Clinton Foundation, please click here.

Hillary Clinton is not just sleeping in as new website indicates desire to stay in the spotlight…

In CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE, fabulous women, Hillary Clinton Unleashed, Hillary Retires, Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton, United States on February 6, 2013 at 9:43 am

If she’s planning on a presidential run there are few clues to be gleaned from Clinton’s freshly launched website


She’s the picture of presidential ambition.

Just days after becoming a private citizen, Hillary Clinton is stoking speculation about running for President in 2016 by launching a mysterious new website that boldly features her in an attention-grabbing photo.

A mass e-mail sent Tuesday by her husband Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea is adding to the speculation: It urges recipients to “thank Hillary for making our country and our world, stronger, safer and better.”


“She inspires us every day — and we hope she inspires you, too. Please take a moment to send Hillary your personal note of thanks,” it adds, providing a link for fans to do just that.

When Hillary Clinton stepped down Friday after four grueling years as secretary of state, it was assumed that she would relax and recharge while contemplating her next move.


Her friend Ann Lewis fueled that notion, telling NBC that Clinton would “take some time, put her feet up, take a nap.”


So much for retirement.

The website and e-mail show that Clinton already has given great thought to the future — and that she wants to keep the option open of running for the White House, political consultants said.

“These are not the kind of things you do if you want to fade quietly into the night,” said Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf.


“It’s a long time between now and 2016,” he added, “and she can use this to create a candidacy, make people think she’s creating a candidacy or simply maintain her power. It’s a perfect strategic move.”

The new website emerged with no fanfare. Visitors to, the remnant of campaigns past, were presented with a link directing them to the new address,, which was registered Thursday, 24 hours before Clinton left the State Department.

“It’s a long time between now and 2016,” he added, “and she can use this to create a candidacy, make people think she’s creating a candidacy or simply maintain her power. It’s a perfect strategic move.”

Speculation is running running wild after Clinton launched the new site as people are questioning if she’s planning a run to become the leader of the free world.

The new website emerged with no fanfare. Visitors to, the remnant of campaigns past, were presented with a link directing them to the new address,, which was registered Thursday, 24 hours before Clinton left the State Department.

Aides did not disclose when Clinton posed for the smiling glamour shot at the new site. Clinton is not wearing the thick glasses she has sported in recent weeks to counter the double vision she suffered as a result of a concussion in December.


The site also contains a contact form for visitors to fill out — allowing Clinton to add to her already robust mailing list.

Clinton aides downplayed the site’s significance, insisting that it is simply a way for fans and the media to reach Clinton now that she is out of office.

The mass e-mail was sent by her husband’s nonprofit foundation to its subscribers.

Analysts said that even if Hillary Clinton is inclined not to run again, the e-mail and website are smart politically.

“There is no downside. It’s always good for people to think that you might run,” said Hunter College Prof. Kenneth Sherrill.

“Should she want to endorse a candidate or … raise money for a cause she cares about, this is an extraordinary resource. At the very least, it’s a sign she’ll remain active in politics.”

On mobile? Click for video



If you would like to leave a note Thanking Hillary for her service to the country, please do so in comments.

GIVE em’ Hell, Hillary!

In Climate Change, economy, Environmental Crisis, fabulous women, Global News on June 4, 2010 at 4:12 am

If hindsight is 20/20, then Hillary Clinton needs to be President!

Watch the video and see why…

Why hasn’t Obama given BP a deadline for capping the oil well before we, (the country,) step in with US resources? Our infamous US See-bees are experts at setting underwater demolition as well as the Navy Seals, I’m sure they can blow this well up as one would suspect and seal this well now and forever. The next question is: then why haven’t they done this?

Why hasn’t the President set a drop dead date for BP to handle what it so far, has been unable to handle? If they consider themselves to be the experts in their field but have never dealt with an insurmountable problem such as this runaway spill? Then why do we continue to sit around taking the wait and see approach advised by the “OIL” company running the show?

Meanwhile, marine animals, bird life, fragile ecosystems have to die; because why? BP needs time, months, to drill a relief beside the runnaway well?

“President Barack Obama might also hear some of that anger. He will return to the Louisiana coast Friday to assess the latest efforts, his third trip to the region since the disaster unfolded and his second in a week.

He told CNN’s Larry King that he, too, was frustrated and used his strongest language in assailing BP.

“I am furious at this entire situation because this is an example where somebody didn’t think through the consequences of their actions,” Obama said. “This is imperiling an entire way of life and an entire region for potentially years.”

Obama tells us nothing what we don’t already know… Get off your rear-end and give BP an ultimatum- IT’S NOW or NEVER!. Remember, we do not know if WE with all the military resources at our disposal can get this well capped off and under control.


Secretary Clinton wishing all mothers, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

In fabulous women, Global News, Madame Secretary Clinton, Smart Power, United States, Women's Day on May 9, 2010 at 1:12 am


… And a Happy Mother’s Day to you too, Secretary Clinton.

.. Have a fabulous day-

Madame Secretary, Cherchez la femme..

In fabulous women, Global News, Save America's Treasures, Secretart of State Hillary Clinton, Smart Power on November 18, 2009 at 9:41 pm


~ the extraordinary Hillary Clinton

The First Lady has never been more popular—or effective. As Mrs. Clinton begins a campaign to restore America’s decaying historical treasures, Ann Douglas finds that in her personal life, too, she seeks inspiration from the past.

Photographed by Annie Leibovitz.

During Hillary Clinton’s four-day Save America’s Treasures tour to various historical sites in the eastern United States last July, large crowds of people, “presidential-size crowds,” as one reporter put it, packed every place she stopped. On July 14, in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, where the First Lady visited the Colonial Theatre, a turn-of-the-century architectural jewel that now houses an art-supply store, about 3,000 people had already gathered in the street outside by noon, though she was not due until 4:30 P.M. One man I spoke to said he was happy to wait. “She’s my girl,” he explained. A “phenomenal person.” A woman who expressed concern about jobs leaving the region was confident that “Hillary’s visit will be a shot in the arm for Pittsfield.” Earlier in the day, in Newburgh, New York, headquarters to George Washington for sixteen months during the American Revolution, I talked to various members of the African-American community as they cheered her arrival. “She looks much better and younger than on TV,” one woman commented. Several young men were more outspoken: “Mrs. Clinton got it going on!” “She’s the Chief!” “She canhave me anytime!”

People lined the roads in and out of the towns, holding up their babies, eager to get a glimpse of her. Near Auburn, New York, a small girl outside DB’s Drive-In ice cream store waved a sign at the First Lady’s bus: HI MRS. CLINTON! DO YOU WANT AN ICE CREAM CONE? To everyone’s surprise, the bus stopped, Hillary Clinton got out, bought a cone (a small vanilla-chocolate twist), and chatted with Marilyn Biss, the proprietor, a widow with five children. She insisted on paying, though Mrs. Biss tried to dissuade her: “It’s totally inexpensive, and you’ve been great for my lunch-hour business.” A boy with a blond crew cut rode his bicycle up to the store and looked through the window to see what all the excitement was about. “Holy Cow!” he exclaimed. “It’s Hillary Clinton!” Read more


Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton

…her Brilliant career…

As Obama’s surprise (and reluctant) pick for Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton brings her star power and stamina to the global stage. Jonathan Van Meter reports.

Photographed by Annie Leibovitz.
It is a dreary morning in early October in Washington, D.C., and perhaps because Hillary Rodham Clinton is wearing a black Oscar de la Renta suit on such a colorless day, she seems somber. I had trailed her for nearly two weeks this summer in Africa and then again in New York during the United Nations General Assembly, and I had grown accustomed to seeing her in the vivid suits she favors. Africa is nothing if not colorful, and so not only did bright red or teal or periwinkle seem situation-appropriate, but her clothes somehow matched her demeanor, which was almost uniformly cheerful. Sometimes the color/mood connection was made overt: One morning, as her motorcade arrived at the U.N. for a panel on violence against women and girls, she stepped out of a shiny black luxury sedan in a red suit and was met by Esther Brimmer, her Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, also wearing red. “Good morning, Esther,” said Clinton. “I see you got the color memo.”

Today’s memo? Not today. When she walks into one of the many grand diplomatic reception rooms on the eighth floor of “the Building,” as everyone calls the State Department, she is clutching a big mug of milky coffee and is wearing no makeup. She looks tired and cranky. She is about to tape three I’m-sorry-I-can’t-be-with-you-here-this-evening videos for events she can’t attend. This is obligatory drudge work, to be sure, but it’s drudgery that requires her to suck it up and find that extra gear: She must be on. Clinton says hello to the group—not her usual effervescent eye-popping hello but a barely mustered blanket nicety. She sits where she is told, facing a teleprompter, and her ever-present and very chic deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, hands her a small case filled with cosmetics. Holding a compact, Clinton puts on mascara, lipstick, blush, and a little powder. She yanks her jacket straight, affixes her mic, and signals she is ready by sitting up and staring directly into the camera. And—click!—just like that, the public Hillary appears: upbeat, reassuring, in control, wide awake, means business. She nails all three videos in one take. Done. Next.

She walks into the adjoining ballroom, where she has been keeping Katie Couric waiting, and sits down to do a lengthy and tough interview on the war in Afghanistan and President Obama’s agonizing decision-making process. Not surprisingly, her mastery of the issues is dazzling. Even Couric is blown away. In fact, Clinton is so clearheaded on the subject, so eloquent, that it raises the question: Why hasn’t Hillary Clinton been more out in front on the most troubling foreign-policy issues of the day? read more..

…Because it’s not her job, she’s not the President! As if she doesn’t do enough, ya Jackass!


In fabulous women, foreign policy, Global News, Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton, Politics, Rise Hillary Rise, Smart Power, United States, Washington on October 26, 2009 at 4:12 pm

This One’s For You Hillary…

Best Wishes for a Happy Memorable Day!

Hillary, our Bravest and our Best –

In fabulous women, healing, Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton on June 23, 2009 at 10:29 am


No- She is not back on the job but she is doing her job from home. Here she is Monday morning in conference with Obama after the surgery Friday reconstructing her elbow. From what we’ve been told, she’s had a rod and several pins inserted in her arm stabilizing the fracture keeping it in position during the healing process.


This particular injury is very painful due to the location of the fracture. As it is at the flex point between the long bone of the arm and the shorter bone of the upper arm joined together by the elbow allowing the bending.

My advise: take enough painkillers to make yourself comfortable, Hillary. Enduring unrelenting pain is not an Rx for recovery. The break is stressful enough. God bless and heal quickly-

(ht/Always for Hillary)

“The secretary was in the office this (Monday) morning. She attended her morning staff meetings,” Kelly said. “She’s already made a few phone calls. She made a bunch of phone calls over the weekend, as well.”

Kelly said she has some mobility issues because there’s a “big cast” on her arm and its in a sling.

“And she’s a right-hander, so … she’s got some dexterity and mobility issues,” the spokesman said. “But she was on top of her game this morning.”

“I realized today that I’d be a happier person if Hillary Clinton were president,” a financial contributor to National Review Online wrote last week. “

In fabulous women, foreign policy, Global News, Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton, Politics, Smart Power, Woman of the Year on June 15, 2009 at 11:56 pm

The Good Soldier: Hillary Clinton As Secretary of State



How is Hillary Clinton doing as secretary of State?

Two recent quotes tell you all you need to know.

On May 27, frustrated by unusually tough going U.S. opposition to Israeli settlements on the West Bank, Benjamin Netanyahu complained, “What the hell do they want from me?” They: Clinton and Barack Obama.

A couple of months earlier, Colin Powell, asked to comment on Clinton’s attempt to redirect American foreign policy toward diplomacy and foreign aid, said: “We all know we ought to be moving in this direction, but it takes money.” We: Clinton, Powell, and the foreign-policy establishment.

Just over a year ago, Clinton was bottoming out in her doomed presidential race, telling reporters she was soldiering on against Obama because, after all, “we all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.” Now, she has turned herself into Obama’s greatest asset, on Capitol Hill as much as around the world, in fashioning a national-security policy that has closed off all policy differences between the former Democratic rivals, co-opted many Republicans, and left the rest of the administration’s opponents astoundingly marginalized.

On the inside, Clinton has steadily accumulated power while expending hardly any political capital. For one thing, she has stirred an effective mix of politicos and diplomats into the top tiers of the State Department. Hillary has Cheryl Mills, a lawyer best known for defending Bill Clinton during impeachment, running her staff. And she has divided the position of Deputy Secretary of State into two jobs: supersmart Jim Steinberg, who was deputy national security adviser under Bill Clinton but supported Obama in 2008, is her policy maven, while Jack Lew is her management chief. Lew helped Hillary secure a 10 percent increase in the State Department’s budget from Obama while Tim Geithner was still figuring out how to turn the lights on in his office.

Further, Clinton hasn’t made mistakes. There have been no Joe Biden–like gaffes, Tom Daschle–like embarrassments, or Judd Gregg–like turnarounds coming from Hillary. Or from her husband — these days, Bill Clinton would have us believe he spends his time shopping for trinkets, unable even to get Hillary on her cell phone.

Meanwhile, nobody else has developed an alternative foreign-policy power center within the administration. Obama likes Biden, but the vice-president is no match for Hillary in mano-a-mano bureaucratic combat. For example, Clinton favored sending 21,000 more troops to Afghanistan, while Biden opposed the move. The result: “She crushed him,” according to Republican Mark Kirk of Ilinois. At the same time, National Security Adviser Jim Jones has been an utter cipher; when Time’s Mark Halperin graded the Obama administration, he gave Hillary an A- (“significant, powerful, worldly, respected”), but had to give Jones an “incomplete.” And Obama’s presidential envoys, such as Richard Holbrooke in Afghanistan and Dennis Ross in Iran, are mostly old Clinton hands who aren’t about to usurp any authority from Hillary.

In public, Clinton has spent the last six months fundamentally realigning American foreign policy away from reliance on military force, toward what she calls (in a wise abandonment of the lefty academic phrase “soft power”) “smart power” — more diplomacy and international economic assistance. She has also been striving to ensure zero daylight between her and Obama on any issue, big or small, whatever positions she might have taken as a New York senator or presidential candidate. If Clinton minds toiling in Obama’s shadow, or representing her former rival as America’s best face to the world, she hasn’t shown it. With Hillary, it’s always hard to tell where duty stops and happiness begins, and her new job has brought out her cheerfulness and indefatigability at the same time; as she put it on her first trip to Asia, “Showing up is not all in life, but it counts for a lot.” And whether it’s laying down conditions for Cuba’s readmittance to the Organization of American States or appearing on the Indonesian teen variety show Awesome, Clinton has been showing up, albeit fairly quietly, all around the planet.

On April 23, Hillary smacked down Representative Mike Pence, an Indiana Republican who had tried to scold Obama for “warmly greeting” Hugo Chavez. “We spent the last eight years trying to isolate Chavez, and what has been the result?” Hillary replied. “We want your feedback, but President Obama won the election. He beat me in a primary, in which he put forth a different approach, and he is now our president.” Something similar happened last weekend, when she told George Stephanopoulos that Obama had passed the “3 a.m.” test that she had posed in the primaries. Clinton has become a master of selling Obama simply by stating her support for him. And conversely, by expressing that support as an act of volition, she is demonstrating her power, if not her independence.

The overall effect of Hillary’s efforts has been to bolster her reputation for being smart, effective, and a team player without associating her too strongly with the wrenching policy changes, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan, where Obama has thrust himself far into the spotlight. And the results have been fairly amazing. Clinton’s approval ratings have been consistently above 70 percent — higher than Obama’s — with majority support even among Republicans. And media coverage has been orgiastic, probably peaking so far with Andrea Mitchell calling Clinton a “foreign-policy superstar” on the Today show. Even Obama probably never imagined how much mileage he and Clinton would be able to get out of their “kiss, make up, and go off to work around the globe” routine.

Finally, nobody has enabled Hillary’s rehabilitation like congressional Republicans and their talk-radio allies. Since Obama’s election, the neocons have doubled down on full-throated Cheneyism, pushing torture and preventive if not endless war. And from William Kristol and Newt Gingrich calling for an attack on North Korea to John Bolton wanting Israel to bomb Iran to Daniel Pipes saying, “I would vote for Ahmadinejad,” the leading lights of today’s GOP are pushing George H. W. Bush–type Republicans, such as Powell, Brent Scowcroft, and a large chunk of the country straight out of the Republican Party. There’s nothing but upside in that dynamic for Clinton: Already established in the public mind as less multi-culti and quite possibly tougher than Obama, she now also appears to be a sane, sober alternative to the crazies running the GOP.

And for the moment, the opposition doesn’t realize how much it should care. “I realized today that I’d be a happier person if Hillary Clinton were president,” a financial contributor to National Review Online wrote last week. “That scared me enough to make a donation.” Keep sending those $100 checks, pal, and your fantasy could still come true.
By: Peter Keating


Hillary Clinton visits El Salvador

In fabulous women, foreign policy, Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton on June 1, 2009 at 10:42 pm

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton receives military honors upon arrival at El Salvador International Airport on May 31.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton receives military honors upon arrival at El Salvador International Airport on May 31.

Clinton receives a gift from Salvadoran children in traditional dress upon disembarking from the airplane.

Clinton receives a gift from Salvadoran children in traditional dress upon disembarking from the airplane.

Clinton laughs as she participates in the "Pathways to Prosperity" meeting next to Ruben Morales, Guatemalan vice minister of economy, on May 31.

Clinton laughs as she participates in the "Pathways to Prosperity" meeting next to Ruben Morales, Guatemalan vice minister of economy, on May 31.

Pathways to Prosperity of the Americas.

Pathways to Prosperity of the Americas.

Pathways to Prosperity

Clinton participates in a meeting with members of the Vital Voices Global Partnership at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in San Salvador on May 31.

Clinton participates in a meeting with members of the Vital Voices Global Partnership at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in San Salvador on May 31.

Pic from March 20 2009 Trail Blazer Dinner

Pic from March 20 2009 Trail Blazer Dinner

Hillary and pretty women after 'Global Voices' meeting

Hillary and pretty women after 'Global Voices' meeting

New Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes, left, takes the oath of office before the president of the legislature, Ciro Cruz, right, during his inauguration in San Salvador on June 1, while new first lady Vanda Pignato and former President Elías Antonio Saca, far left, and look on.

New Salvadoran President Mauricio Funes, left, takes the oath of office before the president of the legislature, Ciro Cruz, right, during his inauguration in San Salvador on June 1, while new first lady Vanda Pignato and former President Elías Antonio Saca, far left, and look on.

(ht): photos courtesy of Foreign Policy Journal

Hillary Clinton receives award from Hellenic group

In Award, fabulous women, foreign policy, Greece, Politics, United States on May 23, 2009 at 5:29 pm


Yesterday, among other things, Secretary Clinton, as shown above, attended President Obama's speech on closing the Guantánamo Bay detention facility. (Sitting with her are U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), far left, and CIA Director Leon Panetta.)

Yesterday, among other things, Secretary Clinton, as shown above, attended President Obama's speech on closing the Guantánamo Bay detention facility. (Sitting with her are U.S. Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.), far left, and CIA Director Leon Panetta.)

another great article by Preeti Aroon:

Today, she moves on to accepting an award from the National Coordinated Effort of Hellenes. One of the main issues the group appears to tackle is the highly sensitive “FYROM”/”Republic of Macedonia” name issue. Greece wants the “Republic of Macedonia” to instead be called the “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” (or “FYROM” for short). The U.S. State Department currently states on its background note for the country that the “official name” is “Republic of Macedonia.” To people not familiar with the centuries of history behind the name dispute, it might sound like a trivial issue, but actually it’s sensitive enough that it caused rioting last year and is affecting “FYROM”/”Republic of Macedonia”‘s ability to enter NATO and the European Union.

The official schedule for today:

9:30 a.m. Receive Award from the National Coordinated Effort of Hellenes in the Treaty Room.

11:30 a.m. Bilateral with His Excellency Karel De Gucht, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium.

Update: When asked about the name issue at the award presentation, Clinton said:

Well, we have been very committed to that. I have spoken out about the need to resolve the name issue in a way that is acceptable to both parties. And Deputy Secretary [James] Steinberg was recently in the region making that case.

We have picked up this issue with a lot of commitment early on in our administration. Obviously, this has to be resolved by the parties themselves, but we are urging that resolution. We think it is in everyone’s best interest. As you said, it would open the way for movement toward another nation joining the European Union, which we think promotes stability in the region, so we are very committed to doing what the United States can to facilitate that.

Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images


UPdate: And in true Hillary fashion, she is heading to Greece on Tuesday for speaking in person to all who have a stake in an amicable resolution to this dispute .