
Kennedys’ calling in favors for Caroline’s support ?…

In Caroline Kennedy, Gov Patterson., Hillary Clinton, nepotism, New York Senate Seat, news, official announcement, Politics on January 2, 2009 at 8:36 am

$$$$ is one thing- Favors are quite another. Favors are the invisible commodities that are the more powerful of the intangibles having the power to move mountains.


Now, see what happens when you are not too eager to jump to and openly support a controversial candidate, even if she is a Kennedy?

Key legislator to back Kennedy

Albany, N.Y.

“Despite early reservations, New York state’s most powerful legislative leader said he’ll support Caroline Kennedy for the U.S. Senate if the governor names her to the seat expected to be vacated by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver told the New York Post he’s rethinking his views on Kennedy because he thinks Gov. David Paterson will soon pick her to replace Clinton, President-elect Obama’s choice as secretary of state.”

However, Silver is not tipping his cards just yet as to the reason for his sudden change of heart. Where suddenly, seemingly overnight, he has developed a firm grasp framing the debate how his prior concerns have been alleviated… We are left to speculate. Does this mean Paterson has confided in Silver that he actually intends on naming Caroline as the new Senator from NY? So, it is safe for Silver to openly support Caroline because she is inevitable? Or has Paterson demanded he have outside support before he makes his announcement official, Caroline WILL BE the new Senator filling Hillary’s seat?

Seattle Times

And this for backup: (amazingly, the most qualified candidate Carolyn Maloney’s name is curiously missing from the lengthy role of candidate possibilities.)

“Two people close to Paterson told The Associated Press they believe the daughter of the late President John F. Kennedy will be Paterson’s choice. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak on the matter. Kennedy’s supporters include New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent who is another important ally for Paterson.

Silver had previously suggested that Bloomberg and his supporters had hijacked the selection process for their own political gain. Many of Kennedy’s advisers have close ties to Bloomberg.

Paterson has sole authority to name someone to the Senate seat for the next two years. Under state law, there would be an election to fill the last two years of Clinton’s term in 2010 and another for a full six-year term in 2012.

Other hopefuls for the seat include a half-dozen members of Congress and state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, son of former Gov. Mario Cuomo.”


  1. I agree, Maria-

    If you want to help us read here and send a message.


  2. As a former upstate New Yorker and Cornell U. Arts & Scis. alumna, I feel strongly that Hillary Clinton needs to be followed with someone with a strong work ethic and commitment to fight for people like the NYC firefighters of 9/11 dying of COPD.

    Caroline Kennedy is not it! A socialite who thought she’d stop by and buy herself a Senate seat? I don’t think so. We have no aristocracy in America except an aristocracy of merit, and the U.S. Senate is no House of Lords — yet.

  3. I think the media has been told to “lay-off” her personality foibles especially, the “ya know” and “ya know” which to me, is a horrible habit to have developed. A habit that should have been addressed and corrected long ago. We are now entering the Caroline is ‘wonderful’ media blitz!

    I was thinking, a conversation with her would be dull and boring where her general repertoire of responses are pat answers . She is programed to think defensively responding in the most evasive, dismissive manner possible in an unfriendly tone peppered with curt phrases..

    She sure as hell… is no visionary!

  4. Thanks!!
    I must admit I feel sometimes like I’m the only one “OUTRAGED” about this. Caroline’s selling point is she will have the “ear” of Obama.
    So, in other words since he got “trumped” by Blago in IL. BO will get NY / Clinton’s seat.
    Before Blago announced his pick she was “just about done”. Now she seems to be back in.
    Thanks again

  5. e-mail me Please.
    There’s a “fax & e-mail” drive against CK’s selection,
    some of “us” NY citizen’s are running. We’d love to have your site help us out?

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