
Will HRC face sexism as SOS? Pelosi: None at all!

In bias, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Obama whore on December 5, 2008 at 11:21 am

Remember Folks, you read it here!

FED HOUSE CREDITCARDSNEW YORK – At a forum with New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Monday night, Speaker Nancy Pelosi expressed excitement when describing her conversation with Hillary Clinton earlier in the day. “Senator Clinton called me at 10 to say it will be formal,” said Pelosi of the widely reported Secretary of State appointment.

Pelosi and Maloney appeared together at Hunter College in a forum on women’s politics and progress. The conversation, moderated by Lynn Sherr, focused mainly on the 2008 presidential election.

Was there sexism for Senator Clinton and Governor Palin?

“For Hillary Clinton, the country came face to face with misogyny,” Maloney said. “She inspired despite the hurdles for her that weren’t there for her opponents…John McCain had a 23-year problem with women votes; Palin did nothing to help women’s rights. The American people can see the difference between someone there as a woman and someone with a record.”

Congresswoman Maloney did credit Gov. Palin for her commitment to her family, and the public acceptance of a woman with small children in politics. But she added, “at the same time, she was not for women’s rights, women saw right through her and voted against her.”

When asked if Clinton will face sexism as Secretary of Sate, Speaker Pelosi looked almost surprised. “None at all,” she told the mostly female crowd of supportive New Yorkers. “I’ve traveled as speaker, I know the respect people have for her [Senator Clinton]. She will be there in her own right; people will know she is close to the President, Barack Obama. She is a source of strength, a force in her own right.”

Fox News
Madame Pelosi seems to fear more of the backlash [she] aroused from millions of incensed women around the country who perceived her apathy during the run-up to the Conventions as Failure to Function when under pressure. Which of course is nonsense. The dye was cast and Nancy stood proudly waving the Obama flag throughout the Primary. Her only agenda…. STOP HILLARY! and turn a blind eye to the paralytics, Dean and Reid who lambasted Hillary daily with calls for her to step down/out of the Primary Race.

  1. Rocky,

    you are always welcome. There are a few more posters I haven’t seen around for awhile at CH, I need to contact in case CH is shut down..

    Yep, we are the charter members supporting Hillary throughout from the get-go. I’m sure this is going to be a wild ride with her taking the SOS position and why I created the “media” tab at the top of the page.

    We can take them on there, leaving these pages to record her journey and supporting her through PUMA..

  2. Thank you so much for creating this site! As a longtime Hillary supporter, my focus now is finding places where I can follow her activities as SOS. And my nickname for Hillary has always been, and will always be, “she who does all things well”.

  3. Another version of the Carol Maloney Petition:

    posted by Madamab

    Dec 6, 2008

    The National Organization for Women (NOW) Political Action Committee and the Feminist Majority Political Action Committee announce today their endorsement of New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney for appointment to the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    Congresswoman Maloney is a leader in the U.S. House of Representatives and will be a leader in the Senate.

    In her more than 16 years of public service as a Member of Congressand in her 10 years of service as a New York City Councilwoman, Maloney has demonstrated a keen awareness and creativity for solving legislatively a myriad of problems faced by U.S. women and women worldwide.

    Chair of the Joint Economic Committee of the House and Senate, she is a prolific legislator who is an expert on financial, security, and economic issues, as well as women’s issues.

    “Sen. Hillary Clinton leaves big shoes to fill, and Carolyn Maloney has what it takes. She knows how to tackle big issues and is willing to take on entrenched interests,” said Kim Gandy, president of NOW.

    “She is a tireless advocate for her constituents, and one of the most effective legislators in the House.”

    “I have worked with many legislators over the course of several decades. Congresswoman Maloney gets things done whether in the majority or the minority,” said Eleanor Smeal, Feminist Majority President.

    “She is an effective legislator who never takes ‘no’ for an answer when it comes to fighting for women of the world or the citizens of New York.”

    With only 16 women out of 100 senators, the women of New York, the nation and the world need Carolyn Maloney’s determination, tenacity, creativity and keen legislative skills to address the countless issues facing women, workers and families.

    Maloney has authored and passed key legislation including expansion of the Family and Medical Leave Act and theDebbie Smith Act for processing of DNA evidence/rape kits; she has a 100 percent rating from the Children’s Defense Fund; is a leader on reproductive issues in the U.S. and internationally; and is a leader in the fight to end gender apartheid in Afghanistan.

    In this time of financial crisis, Maloney has extensive experience as chair of the House Financial Services Committee’s Financial Institutions Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over the nation’s banking system. She is also a senior member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

    For further information or interviews with Kim Gandy, call Mai Shiozaki at 202-641-1906, or for interviews with Eleanor Smeal, call Beth Soderberg at 703-522-2214.

  4. Oh…no.. I’ll go back in the morning and repost the links to both sites..

    I’ve e-mailed 7 or 8 of our poster friends. I didn’t realize the forum was leaning right and it was causing a problem.

    BV and I are on a World Blog as well. I haven’t had any extra time as yet to post anything there, just basically set up the blog.

    Glad you’re here… will talk more later.

  5. Well, it took a bit of time, but I re-found your site! 🙂

    I’m not in NY or I’d sign your petition.

    See you at CH – for now

  6. We need someone QUALIFIED. Like Carolyn Maloney or another woman who has “paid her dues”.

    We are hoping to have at least 500 signatures by next week to present a 1st run to Gov. Paterson.


    Though this is mainly a New York issue, it is also a national issue as it determines the makeup of the Senate. Please read and if you agree, sign the below petition regarding Hillary’s replacement in the Senate. The link to the petition is here:

    Wording of petition:

    Dear Governor Paterson,

    Women are vastly underrepresented in the Senate. Although women comprise 52% of America’s population, women only comprise 17% of the Senate’s population. When Senator Clinton vacates her seat, that shamefully small percentage will shrink even further…unless you choose another woman to replace her.

    As you are aware, there are a great number of qualified women who could become the next Junior Senator from New York. At the top of my list is Democratic Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, who has represented New York’s 14th District with great vigor and distinction since 1992.

    Please do not harm the cause of the advancement of women by putting a man in Hillary Clinton’s seat.

    Thank you.

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